From dream to reality…

The Kingdom founded by Orélie I has several aims : in addition to the literary tradition, the princely title was transmitted by designation and one of the last pretenders, was involved in the defense of the Mapuche natives of Chile as they face the greed of large textile companies which occupy their land ; farther north, other natives resist the manic oil exploitation (cf Sergio Bello’s book on martyrized Amazonia).

Christine Sourgins is associated to the operation “Frontière de vie,chemin de fleurs” (“Border of life, path of flowers” – which expresses the peaceful (and artistic) resistance of the Kichwa people of Sarayaku and implements, via the artists, a movement of international solidarity.

More than ever, in the 21st century, the advocacy of cultural diversity goes hand in hand with the safeguard of natural diversity..

Photo :Véronique Bungerberg

Photo :Véronique Bungerberg

The text “Flowers, artists and natives…” recapitulates the background and the challenges of this initiative.

The imaginary Museum of Patagonia is dedicated to these “Natives of the Western world”, especially painters and sculptors.

« And I lost all my bets. There is only Patagonia, Patagonia for my immense sadness
and a trip in the southern sea »

Blaise Cendrars Prose du transsibérien – Paris, Éditions des Hommes Nouveaux, 1913.

Posted in why