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When painters will have lost their science and the love of their tools, futile theories will appear. Unable to write their thoughts with forms and colours, they will formulate them with words and the writers will win over them. I am not talking about the true poet… but about the school supervisor who wants to explain a verse from Virgile.

Posted in Founding aphorism


In each work of art, the thought comes from the work; a work of art never comes from a thought.

Posted in Founding aphorism

Henri Frédéric Amiel

The beautiful is superior to the sublime since it is permanent and is not satisfactory ; when the sublime is relative, transitory and violent.

Posted in Founding aphorism

Georges Braque

Art is a wound which becomes light.

Posted in Founding aphorism

The revolution

In my room, the bed was over here, the cupboard over there and the table in the middle. Until the moment it started boring me. I put the bed over there and the cupboard over here. For a while I really liked the change. But then boredom crept in again. I came to the conclusion that the cause of this

Posted in Museum's archives

Brigitte Terziev

French sculptor, academician, lives and works at Paris. Email contact : Chronicle(s) about her work Patagonians in Brigitte Terzieff’s work? Work(s) on the website

Posted in Artist, Pigafetta's room, Terziev

Brigitte Solberg

French printmaker, lives and works in Issy-les-Moulinaux and in Brittany. Email contact : Chronicle(s) about her work Etchings Work(s) on the website

Posted in Artist, Pigafetta's room, Solberg

Marie Sallantin

French painter, lives and works between Paris and near Joigny (Yonne). Email contact : Chronicle(s) about her work Aphrodite on her way to bathe Work(s) on the website

Posted in Artist, Pigafetta's room, Sallantin

Boris Lejeune

Painter and sculptor from russian origin, lives and works at Paris and Provins Email contact : Chronicle(s) about his work Collapsed wall Work(s) on the website

Posted in Artist, Lejeune, Pigafetta's room

Hélène Legrand

French painter, lives and works at Saint-Germain en Laye. Email contact : Chronicle(s) about her work The Hague Work(s) on the website

Posted in Artist, Legrand, Pigafetta's room